Quick Facts
- Capital city is Bangkok
- Current population is about 65,000,000
- Land area is 514,000 sq km (198,456 sq miles)
- Money is the Thai Baht
- GDP per capita is about $ 9,200
- Time zone is GMT +7
About Thailand
Thailand is a large country in South East Asia, bordered by Burma, Laos, Cambodia and Malaysia.
Well known as an exotic holiday location with beautiful beaches and exotic Buddhist temples, it has become overly popular with western tourists.
The spicy Thai food can be quite a challenge due to the high Chili content. I still find the occasional meal that is just too hot for me, especially at breakfast time.
I first visited Thailand in 1995 whilst helping with the implementation of a banking system in Bangkok. Since then I have returned many times on holiday. Thailand also makes an excellent base for traveling to surrounding countries.